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Daemonaut RP

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Daemonaut RP Empty Daemonaut RP

Post  Admin Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:01 pm

2158, a strange world indeed.  

Nations are truly, utterly alone for the first time in human history.  Countries that once shared borders now exist hundreds of miles away, and there's no way to stop it, all thanks to the "brilliant" invention of Salvador Borrentios, Heaven's Wall.  

A marvel of engineering, they called it.  He simply referred to it as "Schwerkraft Kristall." Crystallized gravity.  Set up a few ethereal generators along a nation's border and an instant, impenetrable wall would for stretching well into the stratosphere.  The nations of the world saw it as an opportunity to secure their borders beyond anything possible in the past, and nearly every nation in the world was quick to snatch it up.  At first it was an awesome success, withstanding even the awesome power of a nuclear weapon without so much as a scratch.  Ethereal generators were cheap, and built to be indestructible.  And best of all, there was a unique ability of Heaven's Wall: purification.  Any weapon or dangerous element trying to pass through the wall would simply halt, and no amount of force to push it through.  Terrorism seemed a thing of the past!  It was incredible!

But such peace was not to last.  For it was not long after the last of the Ethereal generators were built that it was discovered that the Walls were...permanent.  Tampering with the unspeakable mechanisms of the universe that governed gravity had resulted in a wall that could not be breached, altered, touched, or damaged in any way.  The generators, built to be indestructible, now prevented any possibility of removing them.  Trade screeched to a halt, crippling the world economy and disrupting military power across the globe.  With no way to get mass quantities of food and medicine imported or exported, millions died from starvation and disease while in other countries food rotted in their shipping crates.  Mass hysteria ensued for nearly ten years, some countries trying to destroy themselves in a nuclear holocaust in hopes that perhaps the walls would come down.  It was a time that would later be known as the Decade of Blood.

And yet, all was not lost.  For after ten years of despair and death, what remained of the world's nations began to realize that the human race was...changing.  Individuals young and old were emerging that had abilities beyond understanding.  Unearthly powers.  But more importantly, these people could do something that the greatest weapons of man could not: pass through the Wall.  The Native Americans of the United States were the first to give manes to these men and women, pulling from the legends of their people: The Wekufe.  Ancient dark spirits who could posses the bodies of men, granting them great strength in exchange for their souls.  Many other cultures around the world had different names, but the unearthly, inhuman auras that civilians witnessed soon gave rise to a new name: Daemonauts. The Dark Sailors. Regardless of their true beginnings, these humans beings had been "bonded" to a corporeal force of terrible power.  Some were stronger than others, and no two Daemonauts were quite alike, but every one possessed the ability to disrupt the Wall, letting them and those they infused with their energy pass through the Wall unharmed.  There were even those said to be so powerful that entire aircraft and ships could slip through the Wall with ease.  Trade began once more, an uncertain trickle at first. Families marooned in foreign nations could finally communicate with their loved ones. For the first time in ten years, humanity had hope.

Daemonaut RP Frost_by_dleoblack-d82eclk

Nearly fifty years have passed since that time, and the Daemonauts have become a strange mix of monster and mentor to the human race. Society cannot exist without them and thus they are valuable beyond measure, but their powers separate them from humanity, loved and hated, feared and admired.  The world has begun consolidating them, each trying to gather more to their banners. Some of the more liberal-minded people even fear that war could arrise for the first time in over a century. These are strange times. Who knows what forces have yet to be unlocked?


Posts : 146
Join date : 2012-08-05

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